Since October 7, Amazon launched its Kindle in France, the ebook reader, the proposed € 99. But the American did not laugh: this is the latest model in its range which will be marketed in France. No touch screen, of course, hardly any buttons, and a WiFi connection, ample.
This offer is accompanied by the launch of the Kindle platform Direct Publishing, motivated by several factors.
Amazon has always announced that it would launch its Kindle at the time that he finds the mature market. Namely: it would have a large enough catalog to market. Today, more than 35,000 French ebooks that are offered, including 4000 (only?) In the public domain. With this self-publishing platform, Amazon is a simple fact: colossally enrich its catalog.
And with good reason.
Digital readout> Usage> NewsWith self-publishing on the Kindle, Amazon increases the likelihoodObviously ...
Nicolas by Gary, Sunday, October 9, 2011 at 11:10:07 - 3 comments
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Since October 7, Amazon launched its Kindle in France, the ebook reader, the proposed € 99. But the American did not laugh: this is the latest model in its range which will be marketed in France. No touch screen, of course, hardly any buttons, and a WiFi connection, ample.
This offer is accompanied by the launch of the Kindle platform Direct Publishing, motivated by several factors.
Amazon has always announced that it would launch its Kindle at the time that he finds the mature market. Namely: it would have a large enough catalog to market. Today, more than 35,000 French ebooks that are offered, including 4000 (only?) In the public domain. With this self-publishing platform, Amazon is a simple fact: colossally enrich its catalog.
And with good reason.
Back in September 2009. A study shows for the BBC is to publish a book one in three French, a real treatment option.The urge to write, but also to publish
Alain Absire, then president of the LDMS, analyzed, "It is symptomatic of what to write: the writing workshops are full. On the contrary, they are more complete and earlier. It was believed that such an exercise of interest only to persons of a certain age. In fact, all rush in with relish, and some come back every year. "(See our actualitté)
Better last year, the company revealed Books On Demand another poll: "One in three would imagine one day write and publish his writings," but 74% believe that this approach has little chance of success with classic house. And 18-25 years are even more pessimistic about this.
The whole point of self-publishing platform for Amazon's solution therefore lie in the marketing of works in digital form, with royalties paid over 70% on the selling price of the book.
Change habits, of course
Since August 2011, Amazon has even set up its U.S. store a section dedicated to independent authors, who have passed through its platform KDP. And no doubt will come out soon Kindle Singles section, which allows the sale of texts from 5000 to 30,000 words. (See our actualitté)Although in theory, Amazon plays a winning card with the product of self-publishing, freely available, with the only drain 30% of the selling price, it will take the independent French authors agree to play the game but it is not really on this side that the risk is.
Publishing is still an act that is accompanied by a realization with a paper book, which can be found in bookstores, to order by default, and so on. The platform of self-publishing has a dual mission: find a way to digital books on one side, by expanding the catalog, but on the other hand, democratizing the use of works in the country.
Everything is possible, but the reaction of customers, users and authors will be at best possible changes that the sector will take in the coming years