mardi 27 septembre 2011

A Fun Facebook Timeline Profile Mash-Up

Dan Tisy is a very unique Facebook user, not because he was an early adopter of the timeline profile Facebook introduced, but because he has multiple personalities — ten, to be exact.
Tisy is not a sufferer of extreme schizophrenia, however: He is actually a mash-up of the names and profile pictures of the 10 people who make up the digital creative crew at McCann Erickson Tel Aviv in Israel.
The name Dan Tisy was made up by combining the first letters of the McCann employees’ names, and content in Tisy’s biography is a mixture of content from all of their Facebook profiles. The profile picture is a collage of the digital creative group’s 10 faces.
Credit for the Dan Tisy timeline profile goes to vice president of creative Nir Refuah, copywriter Danna Blum, and art director Yatir Kaaren.
If anything, the Dan Tisy profile is the tip of the iceberg; Facebook’s new timeline is inspiring developers of image-related applications to concoct tools for creating nifty cover imagery and organizing photos within the new layouts.
Readers, have you tried timeline yet and if so, what do you have going as a cover image?

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