After months of rumors about the new version of its touch pad, Apple has unveiled the iPad 2 under the leadership of Steve Jobs Himself.
The iPad 2 is greatly about him prior to launch, and a large part of the presentation only confirmed many rumors circulating for weeks about the second version of the tablet's best-selling worldwide . Finally, one of the biggest surprises of the keynote which lasted a little over an hour is the presence of Steve Jobs for the post of master of ceremonies. The leader Apple has wrung the neck of some rumors that just hesitant to call it "dying" following the announcement of his departure on sick leave.
We suggest you find below the record achieved in this live keynote.
Steve Jobs is finally, albeit sick, which comes into play.
For the traditional introduction, the history of Apple CEO to take this event to take stock of iBooks, particularly suitable for the iPad. The apple would have sold "100 million pounds in less than a year." Signing a new contract soon enrich the catalog of 17,000 new books.
The first generation iphone was in turn sold 15 million copies between its launch in April 2010 and the end of 2010, and annual sales of $ 9.5 billion and 90% market share. And Steve Jobs to name an officer of Samsung, who said that the tablet has sold 2 million copies.
The App Store would record 65,000 applications dedicated to the tablet from Apple. This is an opportunity to launch a pike competition, indicating that only a hundred tablets dedicated to Android applications are available on the Android Market.
Posted in: smart phone,technology
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